Well my little twin nephews are a little over 7 months now and I have been told they are crawling! It seems so crazy to me because it honestly does not seem like that long ago that I was hearing they just got to come home from the hospital. I don't remember how premature they were but they sure seem right on target now. They are so cute. I cannot wait to meet them the next time we are able to go home. We were going to try to go back to MO to visit at the end of March but Kevin could not get leave. Oh well, soon enough.
First off you have to watch the video below this post first. I accidentally added it first and it took so long to upload I didn't feel like deleting it and re-adding it so it would be above this one. So anyway, I know I know, I'm pathetic, but we were just so stinkin' excited! His tooth had been wiggling so much and he says to me "tomorrow is going to be Tooth Fairy night" so I said "well if you just yank it out then tonight can be Tooth Fairy night". What does he do? Yanks the dang thing out! I was shocked...I didn't think he would be able to do it! He made like this big breath noise that was part excitement part "what the heck did I just do." I yelled with excitement when he held it up and said "oh my goodness it just popped right out!" It was an awesome experience for a first lost tooth. By the way, he's super excited about the Tooth Fairy visiting! Oh and I hope the video didn't make anyone squeamish. He's been wanting to do that, like the kid on Emporer's New Groove ever since his tooth started wiggling. Anyway Congrats Noah!